of Lincolnwood

Jan 12, 2024
Time for New Tires? Visit Your Mercedes-Benz Dealership

Wondering whether it’s time for new tires? Here are some indicators to look out for, courtesy of your local Mercedes dealership.

Aging Tires

Tires age over time, even if they’re not used frequently. Rubber compounds deteriorate as they get older, leading to reduced performance and even potentially unexpected tire failure. Because of the way rubber ages, it’s recommended to replace your tires every six years or so, regardless of how good they look.

Worn Tread Depth

The tread on your tires is what allows you to maintain traction on the road, and if it wears down too much, it can’t do its job. A simple way to check this is something called the penny test. Insert a penny into the groove of your tire tread with Lincoln upside-down. If you can see the top of his head,that means your tread is less than 2/32 of an inch in depth, below the safe limit, and your tires need to be replaced.

Low Tire Pressure

Frequent loss of tire pressure might indicate that you have a slow leak, potentially due to a puncture or a problem with your tire valve. Even in healthy tires, pressure can fluctuate due to temperature changes, but consistently low tire pressure should prompt a tire inspection. Some leaks can be patched, but if the damage is too severe, it is better to replace your tires.

Uneven Tread Wear

Another sign that you need a new set of tires is uneven tread wear. Improper wheel alignment or incorrect tire pressure can cause the tread on your tires to wear down unevenly, leading to one part of your tires wearing out before the rest. Regularly rotating your tires can help prevent this type of damage, but once it has progressed too far, you will need to replace them.

Visible Damage

You should regularly take the time to look at all of your tires, checking for visible signs of damage. If you see cuts, cracks, or bulges on the sidewall, you should have your tires inspected. Similarly, if you notice any objects embedded in your tire, it’s a clear indicator that it needs some professional help.

Visit Your Mercedes Dealership for New Tires

Your local dealership has expert technicians who understand the specific needs of your vehicle. We offer a wide selection of high-quality tires that are specifically designed to match the safety standards of your vehicle, and you can rest assured that your tires are being installed and balanced correctly for the best possible performance.

If your tires are starting to look worn out or aren’t performing as well as they should, it’s time to consider getting a new set. Call Loeber Motors and schedule your next tire inspection today.