of Lincolnwood

Dec 14, 2023

There are many important components under your hood, such as your car battery. If your battery isn’t working, then you probably won’t be able to operate your vehicle. When you need a new car battery, you should schedule service at your Mercedes dealer so you can get back on the road as soon as possible.

If you have battery issues, your Mercedes mechanic will first need to diagnose the problem. Sometimes, your battery may simply have a low charge that can easily be fixed without replacing it. Other times, your battery may be too damaged to hold a full charge, which means you will need to use a genuine replacement battery to meet the performance demands of your vehicle. 
Typically, the battery in your car will last for three to four years. If you have a habit of leaving the radio on or the lights running when your engine isn’t turned on, you might run down your battery more quickly. There are several signs that can indicate battery issues. As soon as you notice any of these problems, you should stop by your dealership or call for a tow service. 

Check Engine Light

The check engine light on your dashboard can indicate a variety of problems. Sometimes, this light might turn on when internal sensors detect a battery that is dead, dying, or has a low charge. 

Electrical Issues

You might notice performance issues with the electrical components of your vehicle, including your headlights, internal lights, power windows, and more. Electrical issues can indicate that your battery is dying or there is an issue with your alternator. In either case, a mechanic will need to examine your car to pinpoint the problem. 

Visible Corrosion

While some corrosion on your battery is normal, an excessive amount of corrosion can be a sign of a severely damaged battery. To protect other parts of your engine, you should have a corroded battery replaced as soon as possible. 

Why Is Your Car Battery Important?

Your car battery plays a lot of essential roles in your vehicle. First, the battery is your vehicle’s primary storage for power. Without a fully charged battery, you will not have the electricity required to start the ignition system or start your engine. This is why ignition problems are often related to your battery rather than spark plugs or ignition coils. 
Your battery also diverts power to the alternator in your vehicle to power various electronics, such as internal lights and the radio. Finally, your car battery acts as a surge protector to prevent damage to the computer systems and various electronics in your car.
Without a functional battery, it might be impossible to start your car or use electrical systems. Fortunately, you can get a new battery at your local dealership. Schedule service to replace your battery at Loeber Motors today.