of Lincolnwood

Oct 6, 2023
Does Your Mercedes-Benz Need a Radiator Repair?

The exceptional power of a Mercedes-Benz engine needs an equally impressive cooling system to keep temperatures under control. The radiator serves as the bulwark of any vehicle’s cooling system. If your car’s radiator runs into any of the following problems, head to your local Mercedes-Benz dealer as soon as you can for radiator repair

Your Engine’s Temperature Skyrockets

The most shocking symptom of a faltering radiator is the engine’s temperature suddenly rising. Hopefully, you’ll detect a fault with your radiator long before your engine overheats, but if you’re ever faced with a suddenly overheating engine, it’s best to pull over as soon as you can. Driving with an overheating engine can rapidly lead to a blown gasket or complete engine failure.

The engine temperature gauge on your dashboard will usually be the first sign of overheating. You might also notice the engine’s power falling, accompanied by odd ticking or knocking noises. The hood will become hot to the touch and if the coolant starts to boil, you’ll see white steam seeping from under the hood.

You Spot Leaking Coolant on the Ground

Coolant is the lifeblood of a car’s cooling system, and the radiator is responsible for keeping the coolant cool. If coolant ever leaks from the radiator cap or a crack in one of the hoses or hose connections, you might notice a brightly colored liquid puddling under your car. 

You Find External or Internal Radiator Rust

As they’re made of metal, radiators are susceptible to rust, both externally and internally. You can visually inspect your radiator for external rust and even clean external rust away as long as it hasn’t started to eat through the metal. Internal rust will start to turn the coolant a dark brown color and will only usually occur if the coolant grows too old and loses its anti-rust properties. 

Your Radiator’s Fins Are Bent or Broken

High-pressure washing, collisions with other vehicles, and even errant stones can sometimes damage the fins of a radiator. Such damage can prevent sufficient air from flowing over the fins and also stop coolant from flowing inside of them. A radiator with damaged fins will often have to be replaced. 

Have Coolant Flushed Frequently at Your Mercedes-Benz Dealer

As coolant is so important to the health of your vehicle’s engine, it’s important to have it flushed and replaced periodically. Most drivers have their coolant flushed about every two years, although it’s best to check your owner’s manual and ask a trusted technician for the optimal interval for your car. While topping up or flushing your coolant, the technician can also inspect your radiator and pressure test it for hidden leaks.

Have your car’s radiator checked and repaired today at Loeber Motors. Our family owned and operated dealership has been providing for the region’s most discerning luxury vehicle drivers for over 80 years.